My name is Claire and I am writing this blog because I love to write and I love to travel, hence the name. I’m writing the blog as a hobby and with the hope that it will be of use to either the temporary traveller or to someone who is about to live in a new city or country. Or maybe you will just learn a new fact from it, be it about another country’s history or culture. Whatever your reason for visiting my site, welcome!
The blog is about the countries I know and love best in Europe. As I’m Irish, the focus will be on Ireland, especially Dublin, my home and where I am currently living. It will also show the countries I have previously lived in, in other words, Spain and Germany. I recently lived in the beautiful medieval city of Kilkenny – in Ireland – so expect to read a lot about Kilkenny too!
I will be sharing all the tips and facts I learnt while on my travels, information I would have found very useful to know before I arrived. I will also be sharing my own personal reflections that will hopefully be of interest to some. I am a graduate of English Literature so if my posts ever get too wordy then I am sorry! I also love events and festivals so I will be mentioning these a lot too.
I had taken a break from writing this blog as a result of Covid but after travelling again this year, I feel inspired to write again and will try to post something every two weeks! Of course, sometimes it may take me a little bit longer. As I have said, this is a hobby, like most other bloggers I have a full-time job too, so sometimes it is difficult to make time for all my interests! Still, there are so many wonderful places out there that I want to write about so I will try my best to post bi-weekly.
If I inspire you to travel or to look at things in a slightly different way or teach you something new, no matter how small, then I’ll be more than happy! We can’t visit everywhere but we can learn from each other.
I hope you enjoy reading about my thoughts and experiences and that they will be of use to you.
Safe travels! Go dté tú slán! ¡Buen viaje! Gute Reise!